Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Finding a Milwaukee Dietitian: Should You Meet With A Nutritionist?


Ask yourself these five questions first.

You already know the basics of healthy eating, but putting that knowledge into practice is easier said than done.
If that sounds like you, maybe you’ve considered meeting with a nutritionist but you’ve never taken the first step. Perhaps you’ve tried to step up your nutrition plan on your own, armed only with information from the Internet while you’ve attempted to follow strict fad diets. Or maybe you’ve avoided seeking help from a professional out of fear that a nutritionist will nitpick your eating habits, forever banishing Taco Tuesday and pepperoni pizza.

Chelsea Gloeckner, Elle’s registered dietitian and nutritionist, brings years of study and expertise to her role—and she promises she’s not the food police.

“As a dietitian myself, I don’t have a ‘perfect’ diet,” Chelsea admits. “It’s always about balance; that’s what health is.”

If you’re on the fence about setting up your first appointment, read on. The five questions below will help you decide if now is the time to move forward with a nutritionist.

Do you want a coach to support and motivate you?

A professional athlete wouldn’t train for competition without a coach. So why should you take on the hard work of changing your eating habits all alone?

Chelsea’s job title transcends “nutritionist”—she is first and foremost a coach, using her expertise to support and guide her clients along their individual paths to wellness.

“When it comes to nutrition, we’re constantly a work in progress. There is no ‘perfect’ way to eat,” Chelsea says. “You can’t change your behaviors overnight, and it helps to have someone supporting you.”

Do you want a nutrition game plan that’s tailor made for you?

Anyone can do a quick Google search for “how to eat healthy.” But the information you find online won’t be customized to your unique needs, and that’s where a nutritionist can help. During your first meeting with Chelsea, you’ll have the opportunity to talk about your current eating habits, your goals, and your concerns.

After your conversation, Chelsea takes time to curate a detailed, personalized plan that will help you make gradual changes to your diet and your attitudes toward food. Every person is different, and every nutrition plan should be built to match; there is no one-size-fits-all approach for nutritious eating.

Are you more interested in wellness than weight loss?

Let’s bust this myth once and for all: Nutrition is not about weight loss. Although some people lose weight as a result of the healthy habits they learn from a nutritionist, weight loss isn’t the primary objective.
Instead, Chelsea’s approach to nutrition comes from a place of nourishment and nurturing rather than a place of deprivation, restriction, and poor body image. Working with a nutritionist empowers you to feel your absolute best as you build healthy, balanced habits.

If you’re only thinking in terms of weight loss, dig a little deeper. Is your true goal to develop a healthier outlook on food? Do you want a diet that leaves you feeling energized instead of sluggish? A nutritionist will coach you to be confident in your food choices and accomplish those objectives.

Are you working toward a specific goal?

Maybe your goal is to run a 5K by the end of the year; maybe you’re looking for ways to eat healthy while living in a dorm room. Nutrition plays a key role in reaching countless goals. From professional athletes preparing for competition to grandparents building the stamina to keep up with their active grandkids, people from all walks of life can take strides toward achieving their goals by working with a nutritionist.

Do you want to make lasting changes to your lifestyle?

There’s a good reason that most diets don’t work—restriction and deprivation don’t lead to sustaining health. Instead of counting calories or eliminating foods, Chelsea will give you the tools to create healthy habits built to last for the rest of your life. Rather than a restrictive diet, you’ll come away with a balanced approach to nutrition—and you’ll still be able to enjoy your favorite foods.

Want to meet Chelsea?
Get to know more about Chelsea on her profile and learn about Elle’s nutrition services here.

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