Elle Well Studio + Wellness

This is Comfort

She grew up without a mother. A deep void that led her to seek “mother” in almost anyone or anything that comforted. Further forms of loss would trigger her most familiar wound. If you didn’t know her history and all that she had been through, you couldn’t understand the way she responded to pain or frustration. It seemed exaggerated, but was created by a merging of the past and the present in her mind. She carried her past around with her.

Therein laid her drive and ambition to heal. A difficult and long road to pursue. So she paved it with comfort. Comfort made the journey sustainable.

Comforts are unique and she found hers in the details: A Victorian home made up according to her taste. Her grandmother’s furnishings of green and mustard velvet, an oversized dining room table. Persian rugs. A sewing machine to create her own drapery and pillow shams. A warm bath after a long day. A well-worn canopy bed of soft sheets imported from Hawaii. A cozy haven for weekend mornings that embraced sleeping in and afternoons spent with the Sunday paper.

Despite challenges and misadventures, her travels offered comfort as well. A day’s trek to far off cathedrals, if only to light a candle and say a prayer. Hours spent maniacally taking on entire museums and still appreciating each and every piece. A week’s worth of sun and salt water soaking on the beach. Spa indulgence in the form of massages and seaweed wraps with absolutely no guilt. A bargain shopper, she collected scarves of silk and bold color accented by unique jewelry. Accessories to remind her she was alive and well with places to go and people to see. A part of life she never took for granted.

She paid attention to the cozy details of life to counteract all that could be bitter. A skill that requires a deep knowledge of self and an ability to find contentment within. In these comforting objects and pleasurable moments, she could breathe. She could take intentional relief from worry, if only for a brief while, before hitting the pavement again.

Join us at our event, Elle Solace, honoring comfort on April 5th & 6th to fully appreciate how comfort allows us to reach our fullest potentials. 

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