Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Intuitive Eating

How to Nourish Your Body While Healing Your Relationship With Food
Led by our registered dietitian, Sam, this 3 week supportive group places intuition at the center of healthful eating. Intuitive eating principles will serve as a framework for this group that teaches how to sustain a healthy lifestyle by honoring hunger cues and nourishing your body without guilt. 
Sam is a health at every size informed registered dietitian who is passionate about healing the relationship between food and body. Sam’s main goal is to provide support and structure on your eating recovery journey. Sam helps set realistic and attainable goals that best support a sustainable lifestyle. 

Simplifying Nourishment Inquiry

Intuitive Eating

Wednesday evenings
6:15 pm—7:15 pm

Learn more about this group and inquire about joining if you are interested in learning the principles of intuitive eating within a supportive community.