Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Find Meaning at Your Center

“Find your center.” 

We hear these words both on and off our yoga mats. But what does it mean? And how can we apply it to our lives? 

First, we can look to the mind. Our mind is just one of many tools we carry within ourselves, but it has a reputation of pushing us beyond our comfort zone. Sometimes we over think. Sometimes we over analyze and scrutinize ourselves, and perhaps others. Self-criticism is a battle we fight with ourselves when we get it tangled up with being self-reflective. It is here that we may tell ourselves, “Find your center,” in order to find relief. 

Do you need to pause and re-frame your thoughts? 

How do your chest and heart feel today? 

What do these current thoughts offer you?  

Tune in. 

Secondly, the breath is an incredible and accessible tool that can help balance our thoughts and bring us back to comfort. It is always with us, and with attention and care, we can better regulate our thoughts and feelings with every inhale and release. Here again, we can apply the objective: “Find your center.” Quite literally. 

Intentionally pause and look inward. 

Connect to your breath. 

What do you notice? 

How does it feel? 

What sensations are you feeling in your body? 

Are you holding on to something that no longer serves you? 

We have the choice each day to go through our quick motions and potentially miss opportunities to radiate and feel. Or we can intentionally slow down in order to fully experience what is around us and dive in. 

This is being mindful. This is Yoga. 

Yoga can serve us both in the physical practice, using the mind and breath to persevere, as well as off the mat and out in the daily world, using the mind and breath to apply the concept of “finding your center.” Yoga means “union.” Yoga also grows in popularity of being understood as “moving mindfulness.” It is an opportunity to find balance by focusing the mind and breath. This is a unification of the whole self.

Turn your attention inward. 

Write this on your heart: 

“I will be kind to myself.

 I will breathe with gratitude and appreciation. 

I will reflect with gratitude and appreciation.”


Ash Michaels is a yoga instructor at Elle with a background in education, social-emotional learning, and mindfulness. She offers a wide range of classes each week that include Yoga Vibe, Happy Hour Yoga, and Yoga Spa. Get to know her and see her schedule at ellewellstudio.com/ash-michaels

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