Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Browsing items tagged “yoga Archives | Elle Well Studio + Wellness”

Find Meaning at Your Center

“Find your center.”  We hear these words both on and off our yoga mats. But what does it mean? And how can we apply it to our lives?  First, we can look to the mind. Our mind is just one of many tools we carry within ourselves, but it has a reputation of pushing us […]

Healthfully Selfish: A Yogi’s Perspective

I have taught yoga for 10 years now and have run into the same puzzling phenomenon time and time again. When I tell students during class, “Be selfish right now. Take up as much energetic room in this space as you can.” Their reaction is to look at one another, giggle a little bit, and […]

The Mind-Body Connection: Healing Through Combined Talk Therapy & Yoga

By Alex Luber So you know that craze about the mind-body connection? That’s what I’m all about. I can treat the mind-body connection so that it makes a transformative impact in people’s lives. However, a persistent challenge of my career has been to accurately describe it. Identifying it is simple. I am a psychotherapist and […]