Elle Well Studio + Wellness

A Journey Toward Self Care

The pace of our modern lives can often feel uncompromising. Time reserved for yourself is either viewed as a luxury or as something stumbled upon by accident, only to be savored in small doses. Society has long demanded that we march to the beat of an eternal drum—through illness, despite heartache, against the waning energy to constantly keep moving forward. 

This relentless structure is largely based on a false narrative that life moves in a forward motion—an idea that disregards the cyclical qualities of nature that we are at once a part of and surrounded by. 

The notion that you must be operating at a consistently high level in order to function is detrimental to our natural inner seasons, and it’s through these denials that we run into walls. Everybody expresses their lowest states in unique ways. Some are more outward than others, but eventually your body flags down your mind with the evidence that you’ve had enough, the well is empty, and it’s time to slow down.

To know when it’s necessary to stop is only part of the equation. Most of us reach this point, knowing that a pause is essential, but we’re left wondering what to do next. The idea of self care may conjure images of sipping a warm cup of tea while wrapped in a cozy blanket, spending the day in bed, taking a gentle yoga or meditation class with aromatherapy, or any other number of relaxing activities. All of these activities that can bring us joy, calm, satisfaction, and a sense of recharging our inner battery are acceptable forms of self care, so long as when we partake, we are present in the moment, recognizing its significance and feeling grateful for the opportunity to enjoy the ritual.

When we forget to be present, we risk squandering the moment and spoiling the self care experience. If you were to drink a warm cup of tea as fast as possible without worrying about the temperature or the way it felt going down, then this otherwise satisfying activity would become an act of torture within seconds. That same warm cup of tea, savored for its nuanced aroma as steam rises from the mug, warms your hands, and calms your mind with each sip. Taking the time to appreciate the experience elicits much more enjoyment and becomes a self care ritual simply by giving it recognition.

Give yourself a window of focused, uninterrupted time and allow yourself a moment of solitude—an intentional space that you can fill with joy, relaxation, or even sleep. This is a moment to listen deeply to what your body or mind is asking for—and then answering the call.

By offering that gift of quality time, you tell yourself in no uncertain terms: “I, too, am important. I, too, matter. I, too, am worthy.” Your body and mind will open up to receive this message and give you gratitude in return. Here, a small, delicate sprout of healing will begin to flourish and take root. 

Kristen is a Self Care Mentor at Elle who offers Personalized Self-Care sessions that incorporate restorative yoga, aromatherapy, and mindfulness for individuals, couples, and groups. If you are unsure where to begin in applying self-care to your life, Kristen offers a safe place to explore and build on personalized practices. 

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