Elle Well Studio + Wellness

Browsing items tagged “self care Archives | Elle Well Studio + Wellness”

How Yoga Changed My Life

I can trace my first introduction to the practice of Yoga back to the now defunct teen magazine called Jump: For Girls Who Dare To Be Real. Each edition had a page that highlighted a specific pose with a pleasant illustration, a description of how to practice the pose, and most importantly, how to cultivate […]

Expert Tips for Practicing Self-Care at Home

Self-care – it’s something we often overlook during the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. However, in order to nurture the health of our mind, body, and soul, we need ways to promote well-being and reduce stress. The thing about practicing self-care is that you intentionally need to make time and space for it. […]

A Journey Toward Self Care

The pace of our modern lives can often feel uncompromising. Time reserved for yourself is either viewed as a luxury or as something stumbled upon by accident, only to be savored in small doses. Society has long demanded that we march to the beat of an eternal drum—through illness, despite heartache, against the waning energy […]