Elle Well Studio + Wellness

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The Foundation of Body Neutrality

In a world full of weight stigma and body positivity movements, it might feel confusing to work on healing your relationship with your body. You may have tried healing your body through listening to those who were supposed to be authorities on “health” but later found out it was all just a marketing scheme. Maybe […]

Maintaining Mental & Physical Well-Being: Elle’s Response to COVID-19

I’m not going to lie, the past two weeks have been nothing short of rough. There’s a heaviness in the air—an eerie feeling in the streets—and pangs of uncertainty for the future and for the losses we are all enduring right now.  As a business owner and therapist, you think first and foremost for the […]

Protecting Empathy

“You care too much.” “Just move on.” “Why do you put up with that?” If you’ve ever had to explain the severe ups and downs of your relationship to friends and family members, you’ve likely heard these comments before. Women are commonly conceived as nurturing caretakers. They often have to learn how to assert themselves […]