Elle Well Studio + Wellness

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The Foundation of Body Neutrality

In a world full of weight stigma and body positivity movements, it might feel confusing to work on healing your relationship with your body. You may have tried healing your body through listening to those who were supposed to be authorities on “health” but later found out it was all just a marketing scheme. Maybe […]

In A World Full of Triggers…Find Your Glimmers

You have probably heard the term “trigger” before. It’s become quite the buzzword, whether in casual conversation or in therapy. But I want to take this opportunity to talk to you about its sister word: glimmer. What’s a glimmer? It’s a cue that signals safety and security. One that creates a sense of internal peace […]

Supporting Your Loved One Through an Eating Disorder Begins and Ends with Unconditional Love

Watching someone you love struggle with an eating disorder can be one of the scariest and most humbling experiences you can go through. So many of us want to swoop in and fix the problem; but unfortunately, it is not that simple.  Eating disorders are often seen and treated as emotional-avoidance or emotion-driven disorders. For […]

How Yoga Changed My Life

I can trace my first introduction to the practice of Yoga back to the now defunct teen magazine called Jump: For Girls Who Dare To Be Real. Each edition had a page that highlighted a specific pose with a pleasant illustration, a description of how to practice the pose, and most importantly, how to cultivate […]

Treating the Mind-Body Connection

In graduate school, I had the privilege of sitting across a holistic healing psychotherapist. Her philosophy was rooted in a body-centric and meditative modality, with guidance from ancient healing systems and contemporary neuroscience. I remember speaking to her about a difficult experience of mine—she urged me to rock back and forth. She wanted me to […]

Good Grief

To be completely honest, this piece is hard for me to write. Grief is a complex subject. It is personal. Heavy. And crippling. Personally speaking, I feel the hardest part about grief is that it is rooted in love. Love, or longing, that feels like it has no place to go. Another person cannot claim […]

Finding Your REM

I know I am not the only one that has woken up from a night of sleep to feel perplexed that I am more tired than when I went to bed the night before. Many of us struggle with heavy eyelids and even heavier thoughts. It’s a vicious cycle. The moment the sun would start […]

The Thing About Relaxation

Relaxation: what a stressful word.  Recently, in anticipation of treating myself to a “relaxing weekend,” I did all my errands ahead of time, cleaned a day earlier, called those who needed to hear from me, and created our family schedule. As I sat there on my couch, it occurred to me: nothing about this is […]

Expert Tips for Practicing Self-Care at Home

Self-care – it’s something we often overlook during the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. However, in order to nurture the health of our mind, body, and soul, we need ways to promote well-being and reduce stress. The thing about practicing self-care is that you intentionally need to make time and space for it. […]

A Journey Toward Self Care

The pace of our modern lives can often feel uncompromising. Time reserved for yourself is either viewed as a luxury or as something stumbled upon by accident, only to be savored in small doses. Society has long demanded that we march to the beat of an eternal drum—through illness, despite heartache, against the waning energy […]